The Power Of Passionate Perseverance

Written by Alex Navas

Alex is the Founder of the Christian Business Academy and is a business growth coach who helps clients accelerate their revenue and business growth without compromising their faith and family lives.

Power Of Passionate PerseveranceOver the course of the last month or so, I’ve tried different things in the Christian Business Academy that I thought would serve the community. I can tell you openly that not everything I tried worked. So how do you handle when your actions towards a goal fall flat and you can’t seem to get it right?

It comes down to what I call “The Power Of Passionate Perseverance”.

Before I describe what that is, let me first take you on a journey over the last two months.

Getting Feedback First

About two months ago I wrote a post on the Christian Business Academy Facebook Fanpage asking the community if they’d be interested in being in a group of 20 other Christian entrepreneurs and business owners they could connect with who would all be sharing each other’s content through something called the Success Through Serving Social Sharing Mastermind. I told them the cost would be very low but everyone would be able to extend their reach dramatically. The post generated well over 20 people interested in the program so in about 2 days I created it and told everyone it was ready.

Guess what? Only 1 person actually joined.

Launching On A Live Training

A couple weeks after that I did a Google Hangout with two wonderfully gifted women who also serve the Christian business community and we shared some great content about how to step into your God inspired business. We had tremendous feedback, tons of testimonials and a lot of social engagement. We then introduced a new program which would take people by the hand and show them how to properly position themselves in the marketplace. It was a great program that would literally transform someone’s business, but we didn’t get enough interest so we cancelled the program before it started.

When Tech Gets In The Way

Just two weeks ago I did a webinar called THRIVE. We had great reviews and I received a lot of positive feedback from our community. The problem was the countless tech issues that I had during the presentation. These issues included the slides not showing, my screen share not functioning and having to use two computers to get it working right. It didn’t turn out as planned and worse of all I went over the time that I asked people to dedicate to the training which is not a good thing.

With all this going wrong over the last 8 weeks, why not just quit or see it as a sign that this isn’t worth pursuing?

It Comes Down To Having The Power Of Passionate Perseverance

We all go through rough patches in our lives and in our businesses. That’s a given. However, it’s up to us to decide how those things will define us and the significance they have on the dreams God has given us.

James 1:12 – Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.

The reason I don’t let those things keep me back is that I’m on a mission from God. When God has given us a dream and vision for our lives that is much greater than what we know we can accomplish, it’s important to realize that lives are at stake and miracles are around the corner.

Where would the people that I’m called to serve end up if I give in to circumstance rather than move forward in certainty?

When things get tough, it’s time to tap into this power of passionate perseverance that fuels you beyond the challenges. When you tap into that power, 3 things happen:

  1. You Dominate Fear – Perseverance helps you move beyond fears into a place of complete faith that God is with you on the journey he assigned you to. When you move forward despite fear, it loses it’s stronghold over you and you’re able to confidently reach heights you’ve never seen before.
  2. You Dominate Failure – Perseverance erases the thought of failure because you realize there’s no failure in your life, there’s only new wisdom that you’ve acquired. I tell my son all the time, the only failure you’ll ever have is going through challenges, mistakes and trials and actively deciding not to learn from them.
  3. You Dominate Fault – Perseverance allows you to get back up instantly when you face challenges instead of keeping you stuck in the realm of guilt and fault. For my examples above, I could have said it’s technology’s fault or the community’s fault for not joining. Instead, I view each of them as opportunities to improve and don’t concern myself with fault. The results I expected didn’t happen so I look back and see what improvements could be made and move on. Of course I take personal responsibility, but I don’t sit in guilt beating myself up about why I didn’t do something, or why something didn’t happen. That’s too much wasted energy when I can just focus on new ways to serve.

With all that said, despite what I’ve tried not working as planned, I’m victorious because I’ve learned valuable lessons worth hours of time and thousands of dollars simply by getting in the trenches and persevering. Would others who face similar challenges give up at this point? YES

Would I give up? Absolutely NOT!

I have power on my side and I’m not letting go until God sees my through to the promise land! (click to tweet)

Where do you stand in your business right now? Have you tapped into the power?

Share your thoughts below.

If you’re looking for encouragement, education and empowerment in your business so you can truly create a Thriving business God’s way, check out the Christian Business Academy membership.


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  1. Amos Johnson Jr

    Hi Alex, this new endeavor is a Faith walk and you have to walk it out. I have no doubt in my mind that you will be successful with this. Be Blessed.

    • AlexNavas

      Thanks Amos. It certainly requires faith but it’s much easier keeping in mind that God only asks us for faith like a mustard seed and he provides the rest!

      Appreciate your support on this journey.

  2. Jory Hingson Fisher

    Alex, just two of the many things I admire about you is your “inner knowing” that you are on a God-given mission and your decision to persevere. Humbly, vulnerably, you share your journey with us. And, humbly, vulnerably, you press on. As did Paul. As did Moses, David, Jeremiah…. Thank you, Alex. I’m with ya 100%.

    • AlexNavas

      Thanks Jory. I appreciate your support and your great insights. You’re truly a blessing!


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